  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

 Peter Weibel  Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions),  1971/1973,  16 monitors, video, 7:20 min Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Peter Weibel
Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions), 1971/1973, 
16 monitors, video, 7:20 min
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Peter Weibel  Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions),  1971/1973,  16 monitors, video, 7:20 min Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Peter Weibel
Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions), 1971/1973, 
16 monitors, video, 7:20 min
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

  The Hudsucker Proxy , 1994, (111 min) Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. 8 seconds from Scene 15 looped.   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view

The Hudsucker Proxy, 1994, (111 min) Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.
8 seconds from Scene 15 looped.

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

   Jurassic Park  , 1993, (127 min) Directed by Steven Spielberg.   8 seconds from Scene 61 looped.     Acid/Gothic , video still

Jurassic Park, 1993, (127 min) Directed by Steven Spielberg.
8 seconds from Scene 61 looped.

Acid/Gothic, video still

 Gary Carsley   D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate , 2013/14  C type print applied to IKEA LACK TABLES. 55 x 55x 45 cms A/P (edition of 5) Courtesy of Thatcher Projects, New York and TORCH Galler

Gary Carsley 
D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate, 2013/14 
C type print applied to IKEA LACK TABLES. 55 x 55x 45 cms
A/P (edition of 5)
Courtesy of Thatcher Projects, New York and TORCH Gallery, Amsterdam.

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Tracey Moffatt   Laudanum #15  and  #19 , 1998 Set of 19 images Toned photogravure print on rag paper, 76 x 57cm Courtesy of the artist and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Tracey Moffatt 
Laudanum #15 and #19, 1998
Set of 19 images
Toned photogravure print on rag paper, 76 x 57cm
Courtesy of the artist and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Sarah Mosca  Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture)  and  Untitled walk # 2 (vague silence) , 2013 C-type photographs, 80 x 65cm (framed), 2013 Courtesy of the artist and Galerie pompom, Sydney   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation

Sarah Mosca
Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture) and Untitled walk # 2 (vague silence), 2013
C-type photographs, 80 x 65cm (framed), 2013
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie pompom, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

  Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Tomislav Nikolic  1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough 4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours... , 2012 glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8

Tomislav Nikolic
1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough
4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours...
, 2012
glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8 cm & 69.5 x 78.5 x 11cm
Courtesy of the artist and Jensen Gallery, Sydney

Willem Claeszoon Heda
Stilleben mit Schinken (Still Life with Ham), 1635/2014.
Oil on wood, 58 x 78cm
copy hand-painted by a factory artist from Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China
original at the Alte Pinakothek, Munich.

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Tomislav Nikolic  1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough 4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours... , 2012 glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8

Tomislav Nikolic
1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough
4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours...
, 2012
glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8 cm & 69.5 x 78.5 x 11cm
Courtesy of the artist and Jensen Gallery, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Pia van Gelder  Apparition Apparatus , 2012 No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker Courtesy of the artist   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Pia van Gelder
Apparition Apparatus, 2012
No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker
Courtesy of the artist

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Giselle Stanborough  The Lonely Tail , 2012 Four-channel video (exhibited:  holezits  and  holebody , not exhibited:  holefood  and  holeshots ) Commissioned for "There's a Hole in the Sky", curated by Tom Polo at Campbelltown Arts Centre. Courtesy

Giselle Stanborough
The Lonely Tail, 2012
Four-channel video (exhibited: holezits and holebody, not exhibited: holefood and holeshots)
Commissioned for "There's a Hole in the Sky", curated by Tom Polo at Campbelltown Arts Centre. Courtesy of the artist.

Pia van Gelder
Apparition Apparatus, 2012
No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker
Courtesy of the artist

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Tracey Moffatt   Laudanum #15  and  #19 , 1998  Gary Carsley   D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate , 2013/14   Sarah Mosca  Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture)  and  Untit

Tracey Moffatt 
Laudanum #15 and #19, 1998

Gary Carsley 
D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate, 2013/14 

Sarah Mosca
Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture) and Untitled walk # 2 (vague silence), 2013

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Pia van Gelder  Apparition Apparatus , 2012 No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker Courtesy of the artist   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Pia van Gelder
Apparition Apparatus, 2012
No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker
Courtesy of the artist

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

 Tomislav Nikolic  1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough 4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours... , 2012 glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8

Tomislav Nikolic
1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough
4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours...
, 2012
glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8 cm & 69.5 x 78.5 x 11cm
Courtesy of the artist and Jensen Gallery, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

Peter Weibel
Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions), 1971/1973, 
16 monitors, video, 7:20 min
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Peter Weibel
Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions), 1971/1973, 
16 monitors, video, 7:20 min
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

The Hudsucker Proxy, 1994, (111 min) Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.
8 seconds from Scene 15 looped.

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Jurassic Park, 1993, (127 min) Directed by Steven Spielberg.
8 seconds from Scene 61 looped.

Acid/Gothic, video still

Gary Carsley 
D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate, 2013/14 
C type print applied to IKEA LACK TABLES. 55 x 55x 45 cms
A/P (edition of 5)
Courtesy of Thatcher Projects, New York and TORCH Gallery, Amsterdam.

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Tracey Moffatt 
Laudanum #15 and #19, 1998
Set of 19 images
Toned photogravure print on rag paper, 76 x 57cm
Courtesy of the artist and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Sarah Mosca
Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture) and Untitled walk # 2 (vague silence), 2013
C-type photographs, 80 x 65cm (framed), 2013
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie pompom, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Tomislav Nikolic
1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough
4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours...
, 2012
glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8 cm & 69.5 x 78.5 x 11cm
Courtesy of the artist and Jensen Gallery, Sydney

Willem Claeszoon Heda
Stilleben mit Schinken (Still Life with Ham), 1635/2014.
Oil on wood, 58 x 78cm
copy hand-painted by a factory artist from Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China
original at the Alte Pinakothek, Munich.

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Tomislav Nikolic
1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough
4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours...
, 2012
glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8 cm & 69.5 x 78.5 x 11cm
Courtesy of the artist and Jensen Gallery, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Pia van Gelder
Apparition Apparatus, 2012
No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker
Courtesy of the artist

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Giselle Stanborough
The Lonely Tail, 2012
Four-channel video (exhibited: holezits and holebody, not exhibited: holefood and holeshots)
Commissioned for "There's a Hole in the Sky", curated by Tom Polo at Campbelltown Arts Centre. Courtesy of the artist.

Pia van Gelder
Apparition Apparatus, 2012
No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker
Courtesy of the artist

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Tracey Moffatt 
Laudanum #15 and #19, 1998

Gary Carsley 
D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate, 2013/14 

Sarah Mosca
Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture) and Untitled walk # 2 (vague silence), 2013

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Pia van Gelder
Apparition Apparatus, 2012
No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker
Courtesy of the artist

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Tomislav Nikolic
1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough
4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours...
, 2012
glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8 cm & 69.5 x 78.5 x 11cm
Courtesy of the artist and Jensen Gallery, Sydney

Acid/Gothic, Elizabeth Bay House installation view

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

Acid/Gothic installation view at Galerie pompom
Photo by Brett East

  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East
  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East
  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East
  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East
 Peter Weibel  Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions),  1971/1973,  16 monitors, video, 7:20 min Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view
 Peter Weibel  Vulkanologie der Emotionen (Vulcanology of Emotions),  1971/1973,  16 monitors, video, 7:20 min Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view
  The Hudsucker Proxy , 1994, (111 min) Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. 8 seconds from Scene 15 looped.   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view
   Jurassic Park  , 1993, (127 min) Directed by Steven Spielberg.   8 seconds from Scene 61 looped.     Acid/Gothic , video still
 Gary Carsley   D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate , 2013/14  C type print applied to IKEA LACK TABLES. 55 x 55x 45 cms A/P (edition of 5) Courtesy of Thatcher Projects, New York and TORCH Galler
 Tracey Moffatt   Laudanum #15  and  #19 , 1998 Set of 19 images Toned photogravure print on rag paper, 76 x 57cm Courtesy of the artist and Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view
 Sarah Mosca  Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture)  and  Untitled walk # 2 (vague silence) , 2013 C-type photographs, 80 x 65cm (framed), 2013 Courtesy of the artist and Galerie pompom, Sydney   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation
  Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view
 Tomislav Nikolic  1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough 4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours... , 2012 glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8
 Tomislav Nikolic  1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough 4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours... , 2012 glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8
 Pia van Gelder  Apparition Apparatus , 2012 No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker Courtesy of the artist   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view
 Giselle Stanborough  The Lonely Tail , 2012 Four-channel video (exhibited:  holezits  and  holebody , not exhibited:  holefood  and  holeshots ) Commissioned for "There's a Hole in the Sky", curated by Tom Polo at Campbelltown Arts Centre. Courtesy
 Tracey Moffatt   Laudanum #15  and  #19 , 1998  Gary Carsley   D. 105 To become another is to die as yourself. Romantic Artists 1 Cate as Kate , 2013/14   Sarah Mosca  Untitled walk # 1 (absent gesture)  and  Untit
 Pia van Gelder  Apparition Apparatus , 2012 No-input set-up: Panasonic WJ MX-12 Video Mixer, Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, powered speaker Courtesy of the artist   Acid/Gothic , Elizabeth Bay House installation view
 Tomislav Nikolic  1 – 3: Always stretching time But it’s never long enough 4 – 7: Turning minutes into hours... , 2012 glass, museum glass, acrylic & marble dust, citron gold leaf, platin gold leaf, on canvas & wood 2 parts: 66.5 x 85.5 x 8
  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East
  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East
  Acid/Gothic  installation view at Galerie pompom Photo by Brett East